We can share our strengths, our strategies, our solutions, but you really want to hear from those who know what it's like behind the curtain, our clients.

Nicola Foster
I love the amount of access we have in the mentoring calls and feeling that Gemma knows my business. My list is growing as I now have a better lead generation system. I'm giving Masterclasses and I'm very focused on creating lust have offers that are right for now. I love the integrity and heart - that sits in the centre of this business focused program.

Kelly Vikings
I began working with Gemma in Jan 2022 and have taken my business from inconsistent 2-4k months to now not only achieving a 6 Figure year, but also hitting 20k+ months and launches over 50k without burnout, being consistent with sales + growth. I’m now on track and ready to double this. Gemma has been such a valuable asset in my business expansion. Unlike most coaches, she really is authentic and knows her stuff.

Abi Rogers
It's a breath of fresh air that's helped me deconstruct all the shoulds I was holding on to from working with previous coaches, and build myself a beautiful palace around my unique skills and abilities rather than feeling I had to fit into a pigeonhole. My business and branding are more aligned and beautifully me than ever before, and I've stripped away offers that were clogging up the system and swallowing my time.

Holly Ellis
It's been amazing working with Gemma and her team in CCC. The amount of support available has been 5* and the mentoring calls are so good if you need advice or have a question to ask. CCC is a no brainer for anyone wanting to take their business to the next level and add a whole wealth of new skills and knowledge to be able to help others.

Sarah Gorev
A comprehensive and well supported course led by an Online Business Expert who really cares about your success. Being certified in tried and trusted business frameworks is elevating my appeal to clients and creating exciting new opportunities. Working with Gemma has increased my clarity and confidence in evolving my business into something I love.

Alex Platt
I know now that the business I create from this point onwards will be more authentically me, will help my clients in a more holistic way and will grow beyond what I have thought capable before. Gemma gives so much time to answer questions and help guide you. Her strategic brain is mind-blowing and being able to tap into her experience and intuition is so valuable.

Karen Burge
There is a lot of value here. Not just practical knowledge and guidance, but Gemma goes out of her way to support you. If you're looking for a course that's not hustle and hassle but will still get you the results, this is probably for you. There's a brilliant mixture of 'get it done', (and a lot to do!), but I never feel anything is a chore, or is difficult. The community is one of the 'safest spaces' I've been in.

Awena McCormack
Best decision I've made so far! The support is like no other, and you get all the guidance you need to grow and scale. It's helped me to let go of a few streams that don't serve me and to clarify and work on my signature evergreen offer. The energy and connection is so beautiful, it genuinely is like being home. I feel safe to be me and the depth of guidance is EVERYTHING.

Kate Humphreys
Elevate Collective is the warmest, most genuine group that I have found online. Gemma attracts the most wonderful people and I'm encouraged and inspired by them daily. As well as the community the mentoring, training and resources are so helpful in keeping us moving forward and growing our businesses. Gemma doesn't just deliver, she surprises and delights us with so much more than we expected when we joined.

Suzy Cater
I really love the way that Gemma is laser focused on helping you succeed and on raising the standards in the entire online coaching industry. It was so important to me to work with a mentor who is ethical, qualified, and whose program has been expertly designed to actually get her clients results. Gemma is the real deal, truly trustworthy, and actually walks her talk!

Jenny Guyat
Gemma holds space beautifully, securely and wisely whilst guiding you through some rocky terrain, however at all points I felt supported, nurtured and safe. I've shifted from confusion, resistance, frustration and fear to clarity, purpose, motivation and a clear action plan. I highly recommend her to anyone who just can't get out of their own way.

Karrie Stringer
I joined The Conscious Consultant Certification because I wanted structure and accountability and to be part of the change, making the online world a more ethical place. What it’s giving me on top of all that, is not just the tools and training so that I can take my business to the next level, but also the ultimate confidence to do it!

Katie Salinger
Before I signed up I was stuck in a state of procrastination. I sort of knew what needed to be done, however I was unsure of what really needed to be done, and in what order. Gemma gave me clear direction, plus a simple step-by-step path and plan to follow for the next 3 months. She does an amazing job of sifting through the jumble, to pick out the pieces which need to be done, before sorting them into the right order for moving your business forward. Not only that, but she also provided links to all the training and resources I need to get the plan completed - No more excuses!

Rachel Freiman
Gemma helped me get clarity around my main programs to have fewer but more concise offerings. This allowed us to focus our energy and attention, which eventually led to massive growth. Our team's focus is consistently on on clarity of offerings vs coming out with new content. As with most of the best things in life, my thought after my work with Gemma was, "I wish I had done that sooner." In my experience in the online world, it's a typical "newbie" issue to have too many offerings, which causes confusion. Gemma will help you gain clarity in both your messaging and offers, which leads to exponential growth. The sooner you invest in this work, the bigger and sooner the payoff.

Merinda Smith
It's helped me to change my limiting beliefs. I knew they were there, I'd done other work to try to remove them, and hadn't got to the core. The energy work has helped me tremendously. On the business side, I now know I have the tools, and the capacity to coach my clients in the best possible way. I know I have access to the right systems and mindset work that will really support my clients. I also now appreciate that both can sit alongside one another so that I can support my clients to be their best self. Honestly, it's a no brainer if you believe you are being led down a conscious path in business.

Sam Ferrres
Gemma and the team hold a safe space for you to learn and grow, which was so important as we all embarked on something new. The support was incredible, the training materials were the best I've ever seen (and I have a 20 year career and degree in Adult Ed!) and the connections from the other participants was the icing on the cake. This certification is life and business changing. There's nothing else like it. This is one of those courses that I will never regret jumping into.

Chelsea Green
Since working with Gemma, I find I'm able to just show up and do the work – writing and voicing my truth has become easier, I'm much more productive, content flows, I don’t feel the need to buy every course looking for that magic bullet or extra skill, and the biggest thing for me is that I trust myself. The self-doubt is gone, along with attaching my self-worth to my outcomes. My only wish is that I had done something like this sooner. I honestly cannot recommend Gemma enough. She is caring and has buckets of empathy; she is one of the few coaches who I feel really wants others to succeed. Gemma delivers on every promise and some.

Phil Wickham
Doing the CCC has been such an eye opening and thought provoking journey. It has allowed me the time and focus to look at my business with new eyes to see where I could take it and what I could achieve. The steps are methodical and the support from both Gemma and the other CCC'ers invaluable. I feel my ideas and contributions matter and have started to get much clearer on how I can use my strengths to help others with their businesses going forward.

Abi Lemon
I’ve been looking for a while for a framework I can apply to my client work - in my coaching business I always I knew I wanted to retain the ‘business’ element but was struggling to fit my existing brand strategy experience into something more coaching focused. I already work with several healing modalities, so the energy clearing and ‘conscious’ focus made it perfect. I've had so much clarity on the direction of my business and a excitement about my new packages. Inside, I've always felt valued and included, it’s a true transformational journey for your business.

Hannah Flores
I'm so glad I joined. I instantly knew I was in the right place! There's so much noise and BS in the online space at the moment and Gemma has always stood out to me as someone who plays no part in this. She is the definition of someone who is authentic and runs their business from a place of integrity. This is why I was so drawn to the certification. I feel privileged to be part of such a gorgeous group of soul led entrepreneurs and to be learning directly from Gemma. I have learnt so much already and am really starting to see the bigger vision for my business.

Carla Miller
I listened to my intuition which drew me to this programme and it's been a brilliant experience which has enriched my existing leadership business as well as prepared me to launch my business mentoring offer. Gemma totally overdelivers and having her input on my business weekly has been invaluable. We have so many resources and templates we can use with clients - it's basically your whole business is a box with the guidance to tailor it to meet your purpose in the world. Energy clearing has also been a revelation.

Shereen Hoban
Since incorporating Gemma's tools into my existing programs, my clients have experienced fantastic results. Gemma leaves no stone unturned, and her program has provided a plethora of valuable and practical resources that I've seamlessly integrated into my coaching practice. The energy work component that supports mindset and deeper blocks has been a wonderful surprise, and it has truly helped my clients overcome limiting beliefs and achieve their goals with greater ease. I'm thrilled to have found such a valuable resource that has allowed me to create even more powerful programs for my clients.

Skye Barbour
Working with Gemma has been ground breaking. I was standing in my own way and under her guidance, I changed my focus, re-wrote my programs, increased my offers and prices, generated leads and SOLD - not in a one off launch, but consistently. Having seriously happy clients, leaving me thinking... why didn't I do this WAY sooner. Gemma went above and beyond to help, went the extra mile (like jumping on an extra call just because!), and gave me the tough love that I needed at times. She also opened doors for me with contacts, clients and an opportunities. Working with Gemma was on my vision board, and she hasn't disappointed.

Jenny Stevens
Whenever I'm in need of some clarity, support on tactical things or strategic, I go to Gemma and the group. Just recently I felt safe to open up about a recent struggle that was very personal but I knew I was safe, would be supported by the whole community and give me the guidance I needed. It's great to be part of a group of likeminded entrepreneurs (as I love that it's lots of UK peeps!) that you get to learn from, be inspired by and help support each other when you need it. Plus a whole heap of amazing trainings and guidance in the members area to help with whatever you're working on. Highly recommend Gemma and the work she does.