

A journey that combines subconscious reprogramming, energy clearing, nervous system recalibration and embodiment practices to remove what holds you back and make this your breakthrough year.

This is a call to arms, to my fellow soul led leaders. The ones with big dreams and a hunger to reach them.

But something keeps getting in the way.

Sabotage? Perhaps.

Resistance? Probably. 

You keep falling for those inner stories that make you shrink.

You keep brushing up against that revenue plateau that keeps you small.

Operating in a state of resistance and sabotage that feels like two steps forward, once step back.

All the while knowing if you could just get past it, you will fly.

Well, my love, it's time to fly and create that six, multi-six, seven figure business you dream of.

The thing is, most of us think it's the strategy that creates the rise to the next level. What I've learnt is that it's so much more

True ascension needs to have mind, body and soul onboard. Otherwise we resist it.

True ascension needs change and healing at a deep level. But change like this takes time. We all process and heal at different speeds. For some it's rapid, for others not so much.

I created a space that allows for that.

An experience that heals at the subconscious, nervous system and energetic levels.

One that works on your timeline.

If it's time to make this your breakthrough year, this is for you. Whatever the breakthrough means to you.

You may already be an established coach, consultant, mentor, online business owner.  But at your core, you're a conscious changemaker meant for so much more.

You may be on your way to six, multi-six or seven figures in your business.

You just wish you could:

  • Stop stopping yourself.
  • Move through to that next, elusive revenue level.
  • Handle those new challenges in a much more self supportive way.
  • Remove resistance and that niggling doubt that drags you back.

And you can.

You just need to heal those wounds and remove those patterns that are creating a filter across your life, affecting every thought and every choice you make.

I want to help you do that inside Ascension, one of the most powerful self-led healing programs available.

Each month we focus on a theme that's holding you back from the breakthrough you crave. A theme that I've seen come up again and gain in my clients. A theme that I've had to face myself.

For each theme we blend a range of healing modalities to work at different levels across the month.

We go further than mindset and the subconscious with this.

We work with mind, body and soul, because those things that hold us back don't just live in the subconscious, they live in our energy system, they live in our body and nervous system.

This is why mindset work alone doesn't always work.

We have one live session with me each month where I will help you clear what's stuck at an energetic level using my bespoke Energy Clearing Method: The Expansion Codes.

The other modalities will be recorded and placed in our private portal for you to use throughout the month, with clear guidance on what to use and when.

Each month building on the last, healing, clearing building an unshakable sense of self, creating the belief that you can safely achieve those big audacious goals and the confidence for you to step fully into the full version of you.

I provide all you need.

You commit to doing the much needed inner work.

Our Monthly Themes


Opening Up
To Abundance 


Building Self Trust
+ Self Belief


Clearing Money
Blocks + Plateaus


Removing Shame
+ Judgement


Breaking Through
The Visibility Barrier


Stepping Into Your
Next Level Authority

"Since starting the program and doing the work my business has exponentially grown. This month I had my first ever 25k month! I totally put this down to the amazing deep work in Ascension."
Lesley Calvo

"I love Ascension as it gives a fantastic framework for you to personalise your mindset work each month. The combination of fixed elements but which change in focus each month really keeps it fresh and dynamic."
Jenny Guyat

"I love how Ascension is a concurrent mindset reprogramming - going alongside my business building, somewhere to come to when I hit a block and need to shift my energy."
Nicola Foster

"I've definitely levelled up my energy and mindset which I put a massive chunk of this down to the work I've done in Ascension. This has recently brought me my highest earning month ever and I'm focused for more."
Gareth Willett

Your Investment


£996 Pay In Full or £250/month for 4 Months



Only £111 to take our 1 month journey




If your question isn't here, do reach out through our live chat.